Good week! Are you in for another monday? Honestly I had some major problems waking up today and that's probably because I've had an awesome weekend. How about yours?
Let's have a look at some inspirational stuff to wake us up, shall we?
Fancy to get a treat to warm up your day a little? Kelli Murray has just the right thing for you.
Click here for a quick n' easy recipe to taste your own Caramel Apple Cider Float. Yum!
Wait, what? Graphic images that are actually photographs? Unbelievable, but true: Erik Madigan Heck's work is interesting and unusual. The picture below is part of a shooting for Junya Watanabe Fall 2015 Collection. Click here to appreciate the full gallery.
Leonie Bos ' illustrations: just wow.
Alright, I feel kinda confused about these shelves and tables designed by designer/architect Max Voytenko. Aren't they amazing?
Seriously if you still don't know Carlos Molina's work you really should stop what you're doint and take a look at his portfolio. I'm speechless! ( and his Instagram as well )
This article by "Hand Luggage Only" tells you what to do once in Edinburgh (a city that I LOVE). I wish I would have read it before!
I hope you're having a lovely day! Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below and see you on thursday for the "Etsy Picks".
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